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D10513 D10513 Kaapelisarja, takavalot

Yleiset tiedot:
FCA - Rear lamp cable, 16-pins RSC connector - 2xAMP 1.5
7-pins female with straight connector, 2m, ADR
D10514 D10514 Kaapelisarja, takavalot

Yleiset tiedot:
FCA - Rear lamp cable : 16-pins RSC connector - 2x AMP1.5
7-pins 2m with straight connector, 2xflats cable 500mm, ADR
D10515 VIGNAL D10515 VIGNAL Kaapelisarja, takavalot

Yleiset tiedot:
FCA - Rear lamp cable : 16-pins RSC connector - 2x AMP1.5
7-pins 2,5m/2,5m with straight connector, 2xflat cable 16m,
D10520 D10520 Kaapelisarja, takavalot

Yleiset tiedot:
CP - Flat cable, 16m, ADR, for LC8, 2-pins connector for LC8
Additional connector - Cap
D11147 VIGNAL D11147 VIGNAL Kaapelisarja, takavalot

Yleiset tiedot:
CP - Flat cable with 2-pins connector for LC8 Additional
connector - Caps, 500mm, ADR
D11626 D11626 Kaapelisarja, takavalot

Yleiset tiedot:
FCA - Cable for rear lamp, AMP 1.5 7-pins female - Contacts
for junction box 175020, 2500mm, ADR, for LC5, LC6, LC7,
LC8, LC9 rear lamps
D11627 D11627 Kaapelisarja, takavalot

Yleiset tiedot:
FCA - Cable for rear lamp, AMP 1.5 7-pins female - Contacts
for junction box 175020, 4300mm, ADR, for LC5, LC6, LC7,
LC8, LC9 rear lamps
20 alkaen 95
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